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Continuing to GRoW Your Own Business

Even though right now we are living through strange and difficult times, utilising any situation to the best of your ability is all we can do.

Being self-employed, my whole work life has changed, I am now having to think outside the box and think about how to fit my business into this climate, which is hard. However, it is also giving me time to be creative and come up with new unique ideas for my business that could potentially be great. I am also being forced to think of new avenues of work also, with the ‘just in case thinking’ of if my old business will ever get back to how it used to be. I am feeling positive and using my time to come up with new ideas and work on things I had left to the side as I was ‘too busy’ to get to it before. My website needs attention, my social media influence needs serious work, my finances need to get up to date, there is a lot that needs to be done when you are self – employed.

Most of us have also had to become overnight teachers, however as I have started to settle into a routine with home-schooling my son, I find he works so much better when I work alongside him. So, we are getting a schedule in place or work and play where we work together then we have down time together – eat lunch, play a board game, or go out for our walk.

When we think about starting a business, a barrier comes up that we ‘don’t have enough time’. Now most of us have a lot of it.
We now have time to put towards thinking about or building existing businesses.

As you know Belina delivers a Grow Your Own Business workshop and I would like to carry on the momentum. I am going to be setting a series of activities for those who are interested in carrying on with building towards progressing in self-employment.

We will work on new ideas – changing the way we look at our previous ideas and how they might have changed now the world is changing. Writing business plans, learning how to keep track of finances and tax returns.

I will be offering virtual 121s once a week for those who want to talk through ideas, plans and I will also like to get all of those who get involved in a collective zoom call to all interact and have a time to talk.

Please like and share this post on our Facebook page, please do get involved and keep yourself GRoWing in this time. If you wish to get involved please leave us a comment and I will be in touch. But I will be posting things for you to do. SO, look out for the first activity on Monday.

Stay safe everyone and enjoy your weekend.

Mercedes xx

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